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Setia City Mall Phase 1

Setia City Mall Phase 1

Setia City Mall was envisioned and planned from the early conception of the project to be Malaysia’s first “green” mall. Located at the heart of Setia Alam, Malaysia, Setia City Mall is positioned to offer a fun family experience, which encompasses food and beverage, entertainment and specialty shopping.

The shopping centre is located within a master planned commercial precinct with pedestrian network and bus stops to facilitate the use of public transportation. Bicycle parking facilities are available to encourage visitors to move around the vicinity using fuel and emission‐free means of transportation. Preferential car parking lots close to key entrances are marked for family or car‐pool vehicles. Fuel efficient vehicles, e.g. hybrid cars have been assigned designated car parks on e very retail floor. Provision for electric car charging station units have been allocated and can be utilised when electric cars are introduced into Malaysia.

Setia City Mall is designed with sustainability and energy efficiency in mind. Detailed and dynamic computer simulations were conducted by IEN Consultants to ensure that the energy performance is met for this building and that the payback for each of the energy conservation strategies met the client’s hurdle rate.

An integrated BMS and CEMS is installed to assist the building manager to operate the building efficiently. To be energy efficient, the mall needed a high efficiency air conditioning system. In a typical mall, the air conditioning system takes up as much as 45‐50% of the total energy consumption. High COP Chiller and high efficiency variable speed air handling unit fans, high efficiency motors and pumps are used in Setia City Mall to minimize energy consumption. The chiller plant is achieving an minimum SCOP (System Coefficient of Performance) of at least 4.0 throughout the year, which was considered very efficient at that time.

Detailed daylight simulations were carried by IEN Consultants to ensure the right lighting circuits were provided with automated control by Lux sensors. The lighting control systems will be set with the required illuminance levels. In mall concourse and common areas, energy efficient compacted fluorescent light is utilised instead of metal halide and halogen which are commonly use in shopping centres. Once again Lux sensor are utilised along mall commons areas with glazing and motion sensors in back of house areas and service corridors.

A demand controlled ventilation system, utilizing CO2 sensor at return air of AHUs ensures that adequate fresh air is delivered to all the visitors and occupants of the building. This type of control allows precise control of fresh air intake into the building to optimise the building performance for both the occupants comfort and energy use.

A Green Lease, which was jointly developed by the operator with the assitance of the sustainability consultant and commissioning specialist, is applicable to all mall tenants to encourage the tenants to install energy efficient lighting and equipment by limiting the maximum power density to 35 W/m 2 for Retail and Food & Beverage‐Dining Area, and 85 W/m 2 for Food & Beverage‐Kitchen Area.

The Setia City Mall is designed and constructed to reduce the building energy consumption and to set a new standard for Shopping Malls in Malaysia. With significant effort by the sustainability team comprising of the sustainability consultant and the commissioning specialist, the building energy systems were properly comissioned and optimized. A very efficient BEI of 300kWh/m 2 *yr is achieved

Water saving fittings complying to WELS (Singapore’s Water Efficiency Labelling Scheme) rating are selected for toilets, sinks and taps in the mall. This strategy alone saves as up to 50% of the toilet water consumption. One third of the roof of Setia City Mall acts as a water catchment plane and drains the rainwater into a collection tank via a siphonic drain pipe system. The rainwater is used for irrigation of the landscape for the Mall. Proper sizing of rainwater tank through the use of hourly basis rainfall weather data for Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia, no potable water will be used for landscape irrigation. Less potable water will be used for cooling tower as the condensate water collected from AHUs and FCUs will be used to top up the makeup water for the cooling tower.

Innovative Sustainability Features

View out and connection to outdoors for most spaces within the shopping center common areas.
Good daylighting for top 2 floors reducing dependancy on electric lighting
Energy efficient lighting with automated sensor controls
Optimized air conditioning system efficiency and good indoor thermal comfort
Green Lease as part of tenancy agreement
Demand controlled ventilation to reduce ventilation load
Use of low VOC and no urea-formaldehyde materials for landlord spaces
Low flow water fitting with Singapore WELS (Water Efficiency Labeling Scheme)
Rainwater harvesting and condensate water recovery

Certifications & Awards

1st GBI Silver Shopping Center in Malaysia
BCA Green Mark Gold
Gold Award in the retail category at the Federation of International Real Estate (Fiabci) Prix d’Éxcellence Awards 2014
Fiabci Malaysia Property Award 2013 (winner in the retail category)
The Edge-PAM Green Excellence Award 2013


Project Location:
Setia Alam, Malaysia
Project Team:
Client: Greenhill Resources Sdn Bhd
Architect: Archicentre Sdn Bhd
M&E Consultants: KTA Tenaga Sdn Bhd
IEN Project Team Members:
Brian Klejn Christensen
Tan Khim Bok
Tan Hwee Yinn
Gregers Reimann
Cindel Soo
Project Size:
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