KLIA2 airport
The airport was designed to be energy efficient and to achieve both LEED Gold and GBI green building certification. The airport achieved 26% energy savings compared to base building under LEED. The passive design of the airport includes a well insulated white coloured roof with a low U-value of 0.335 W/m2 K; special attention was paid to reducing thermal heat bridging by 42% through carfull design and insulation of the roof steel members. The airport is designed for 33% daylight autonomy with double-glazing for all facade glazing and with 3% of the roof being skylights. The cooling load was reduced by designing for thermal stratification for the air-conditioned zones, so only the bottom 3.5 meters of the space is air-conditioned. Energy efficient air-foil fans and variable speed drive (VSD) energy efficient motors were used for all air-handling units (AHU). Fresh air was regulated using CO2 sensors placed in the breathing zone with a setpoint of 850 ppm. The airport is connected to a centralised district cooling system with a system COP of 4.22. The baggage handling system was made efficient by using low-friction luggage belts, energy efficient motors and controls, as to minimise - when possible - the operational hours and speed of the individual luggage belts. This airport has the biggest rainwater harvesting system in the country.
Innovative Sustainability Features
Automatic static pressure reset
Siphonic rainwater system (biggest in Malaysia)
CO2 sensors in breathing zone
Smart controls for baggage handling system (BHS)
Heat-bridge reductions (42%) of roof structure
Certifications & Awards
LEED Gold (final)
GBI (pending)
Project Location:
Kuala Lumpur airport, Malaysia
Project Team:
Client: Malaysia Airports Holdings Berhad (MAHB)
Architects: LKMD Architects Sdn Bhd & Abu Hanifah Akitek Sdn Bhd
Airport planner: ERE Planners Sdn Bhd
M&E: SSP Sdn Bhd
Commissioning specialist: Pureaire Sdn Bhd
Environmental consultants: IEN Consultants Sdn Bhd & EAG Consulting Sdn Bhd
Interior design: Skala Design Sdn Bhd
Baggage handling system: Matromatic Handling Systems (M) Sdn. Bhd
Building management system: Entech Sdn Bhd
Contractors: UEM – Binapuri JV
IEN Project Team Members:
Regina Ng
Gregers Reimann
Charles Loo
Brian Klejn-Christensen
Project Size: