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Sustainability in Industrial Buildings

IEN had the pleasure of being invited by the Australian Green Building Council (AGBC) to give a case study presentation for their 'Sustainability in Industrial Buildings' masterclass. Together with JLL, we presented our "Paramit - factory in the forest" project.

The Paramit factory project started in with the client saying that he wanted a "cheap building". The client was focused on lifecycle cost, not initial cost. The client intrinsically knew the value of creating an energy efficient factory with a highly conducive work environment with daylight, with views out to greenery, and with healthy air to breathe. Upon the successful completion and operation of the factory, the client's high value proposition of creating a genuinely high performance building was proven right; refer to the slides below. In fact, for their next factory, the client decided to repeat the same design process where we once again ensure that energy efficiency and building performance takes center stage.

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IEN wishes to thank the Australian Green Building Council for the invitation to speak at this masterclass event on 5 September 2024. We also really appreciate the keen interest in our talk as evident from some of these online comments:

Fabulous building AND presentation
I truly love this building. Easily one of the coolest, literally greenest, industrial facilities on the planet.
Impressive work and love to see this instead of some of the eyesores you see
What an amazing project! The best part is that they did not start with a green building rating or certification in mind, it was all about achieving the best possible sustainability outcomes!

Below are some of the slide highlights:


Buy the 144-page book about the "Paramit - factory in the forest" project here:


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