Menara Maxis (Maxis Tower) stood as the tallest building to achieve LEED v4.1 O+M (operation and maintenance) GOLD certification as of August 2022. For more info please refer project's page: LINK
LEED certification was presented by GBCI represented by Mr Gopalakrishnan P. (Managing Director - SE Asia & Middle East Markets) and Mr Rohith Ravula (Associate Director - Market Development) to the building management and clients on 23rd August 2022.
What is LEED v4.1? LEED v4.1 is the next-generation standard for green building design, construction, operations, and performance. Few of the key differences of LEED v4.1 certification:
Supports projects to implement sustainable and healthy building practices to realize environmental, economic, social, and community benefits for decades to come.
Focuses on both performance-oriented sustainable strategies and outcomes.
Helps buildings consume fewer resources, reduce operating costs, increase value and create safer and healthier environments for its occupants.
Helps buildings reduce their GHG/carbon emissions.
Key performance of Menara Maxis includes:
Waste score 81% - above global and local average (reduction and diversion of waste)
Transportation score 88% above global and local average (alternative transportation, carbon emission reduction)
Energy Score 51% (energy efficiency and usage reduction compared to local and global average)
Water Score 60% (water efficiency and usage reduction compare local and global average)
For more info please refer project's page: LINK
With this achievement, at IEN, we are looking forward to more and more existing buildings looking into existing building certification i.e. LEED v4.1 O+M which puts emphasis on real-time performance-oriented sustainable strategies and outcomes, and we are glad to be part of the movement of making existing building better performed in the area of energy, water, waste, and indoor experience.