IEN has accepted the invitation to join the technical panel for the Malaysian green building certification, GreenRe, with the intent of making green building certification in Malaysia better and more ambitious. As such, IEN also occasionally lends its expertise to the development of other green building certification tools like GBI, of which it was one of the founding members.
Fun fact: Back in year 2011, when GBI was the only Malaysian green building certification tool, IEN advised against the formation of GreenRe and other green building tools on the grounds that too many different certification tools would confuse the market and could create an unhealthy competition between the certification tools of lowering the bar, i.e. make it easy to obtain certification, which means a green building would not be much different from an ordinary building. Instead, IEN advised to continuously improve upon one national green rating tool, which eventually would be administered by the Malaysian government, not unlike what happened with the UK green building certification scheme BREEAM.
Fast forward to today (2017), Malaysia has close to ten different green building certification tools. While IEN has not changed its original stance, we are agreeable to contribute where we can to improve the ambition level of the green building certification standards in the country.