IEN will be one of the speakers at the webinar "Cycling in the Tropics: Experiences from people and organisations in promoting cycling in tropical cities". The webinar will feature speakers from Indonesia and Malaysia and explores the experiences of cycling, the climate factor, lessons learnt and key success factors. Gregers (IEN), who is one of the very few bicycle commuters in Kuala Lumpur, will speak on the topic "A Cyclist’s Daily Log & Wish List". Registration for this free webinar (11 am, 15 June 2020) can be done at this link (click).
The webinar is organized by Green Technology Application for the Development of Low Carbon Cities (GTALCC) in collaboration with the Institute for Transportation & Development Policy (ITDP) and with support from United Nations Development Program (UNDP), the Sustainable Energy Development Authority (SEDA) and the Global Environmental Fund (GEF).

"A Cyclist’s Daily Log & Wish List" Presentation: